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Obedience brings Blessing

Obedience brings Blessing

I always think that one of the most amazing stories of obedience is the story of Abraham. He really didn’t know God that well but he trusts him enough to obey when he says to move. He trusts him enough to give his own son. He trusts him to learn what this God of love is about. He learns that one day through his seed the ultimate blessing of Jesus being born into the world will happen and bring more love and grace. Abraham was blessed by his obedience but so has the whole world been blessed.

I recently went to visit my mom who is aging, has a lot of pain, and health issues. She exemplifies to me one of the most loving, gracious parents in the whole world. She was the backbone of our family and loved each of her kids so much. I don’t think she realized when she was raising us and pouring her love into us every day, what blessings those relationships would bring many years later when she is in her 80’s.

My brother is the oldest and through the pandemic has been the only one of the four children who could help my mom. He has seen her loving obedience to Jesus through the years and now he pours everything he can to return that love to her. Each of us kids feel the same way. Our mom has sacrificed so much for us and the least we can do is pour back the love into her. It means hugs, and phone calls every day. It means taking out her garbage, cleaning a commode, getting groceries, figuring out the computer issues and foot rubs and massage. It means loving back.

Obedience brings blessing, like a boomerang from Australia, when you throw it, it comes back to you. This is a beautiful principle in life. My prayer today is that your obedience to God, as you pour love into those around you, will have love pour back to you in overwhelming blessings.

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