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Cascade Hosts Christmas-time VBS Reunion

Cascade Hosts Christmas-time VBS Reunion

By Julie Ward

After Cascade Adventist Church near Bend, Oregon hosted their first-ever VBS this last summer, the idea for a winter-time VBS reunion was born. The idea to help deepen the bond among the summer attendees with the church and each other was intriguing to the VBS volunteers so they set to work developing a Christmas-time outreach event that would bring their VBS attendees back together.

VBS director, Sharon Gladden, planned a review of the Bible story themes of the summer program with craft tables engaging all ages and singing the songs of the summer.  Because it was Christmas, a new event was added to make gifts later taken to hospitalized children with the gift circle game becoming a favorite activity of the day!

Meaningful results of the day were shown in the many “thank yous” heard. Plans are already being made for next summer’s VBS!

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